The goal of this post is to share with you what I learned about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from diabolic influences. Spiritual protection from the diabolic and evil influences should be a priority for every Catholic family. The more we know and understand our Catholic faith and Catholic spiritual warfare, the better we can protect ourselves and our families and help build the Kingdom of God on earth.
CCC 162 Faith is an entirely free gift that God makes to man. We can lose this priceless gift, as St. Paul indicated to St. Timothy: “Wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting conscience, certain persons have made shipwreck of their faith.” Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church
20 Ways of Spiritual Protection for the Family
Below are 20 ways of spiritual protection I learned, mostly from an exorcist and spiritual warfare expert, Father Chad Ripperger. Just doing some of Fr. Ripperger’s recommendations should help provide you and your family spiritual protection.
Here is Fr. Ripperger’s lecture about it:
As we grow in Christian discipleship, we can learn from each other and help each other. I have worked hard to compile Fr.’s teachings for the benefit of you and your family. At the root of every way listed below is a verse of sacred scripture to consider.
1. Stay in a State of Grace
See to it that no one be deprived of the grace of God…Hebrews 12:15

NEVER under any circumstances lose your state of grace.
Your state of grace is your principal protection against diabolic influence. As soon as you commit mortal sin, you are under diabolic influence. It only takes one. The more you commit the mortal sins, the more you can become diabolically influenced.
Those who commit sin and do evil are their own worst enemies. Tobit 12:10
Examples of Mortal Sin:
- Grave matters of pride
- Fornication
- Viewing pornography on the internet
- Deliberately missing Mass on Sunday (CCC2181)
Any mortal sin can make you possessed – it takes just one. – Fr. Chad Ripperger
It is up to God to determine the diabolic influence for these sins. When people commit a mortal sin, they are acting against God’s authority.
Whoever acts contrary to the principle of an order is deprived of the effects of that order. – St. Thomas Aquinas
If you act contrary to the authority, you are robbed of the effects of that authority. When you act contrary to the established order that God has arranged, you leave yourself unprotected. Not only the natural order with human beings, but also on the spiritual level, God’s Divine Economy of Authority (a structure of God’s laws).
The two (2) functions of the order of authority:
- Provides
- Protects
When you act contrary to the order, you leave yourself unprotected from that order. When you act contrary to Gods authority, you can become diabolically influenced.
- Demons don’t want to get involved with someone who is living in right order.
- Demons always try to get you to commit mortal sin and drag you down.
- Demons want you to act contrary to God’s authority.
- Demons try to get you out from underneath it so you are not protected.
2. Custody of the Senses
A city breached and left defenseless are those who do not control their temper. Proverbs 25:28

You have to practice custody of the senses. These are all on a psychological level. These are also all virtues. Don’t let anything come into your senses that are going to psychologically, morally, or spiritually take you down.
Example – movies that get you angry or riled up are not beneficial for you.
If you let these things in your senses that can take you down, the demons will make use of it, and they will use them to drag you down. Demons are fallen angels. They know our defects (vices) better than we do.
3. Custody of the Mind
Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8

Never let anything come into your imagination that is going to cause a problem. Our thoughts can be sinful. It is really important to keep custody of the mind over your imagination. It is normally the entry point in how demons suggest things to you.
Demons have access:
- Your imagination
- Your emotions
- Your memory
4. Keep Your Speech Clean
No foul language should come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for needed edification, that it may impart grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29

Do not curse anybody or anything.
Anytime you use vulgarities or profanities you open up the air to diabolic influence. It is right in scripture; it is called demons of the air. Demons can influence the air.
5. Root out Your Defects
If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna. Matthew 5:29

In the scripture verse, Our Lord Jesus is advocating for His disciples to ruthlessly root out our sinful activities, attachments, and vices. Defect is another word for vice.
Removing your defects is important for both spiritual protection and formation.
St. John of Cross said vice is always rooted in an attachment to something. He also says you can have attachments to absolutely nothing created but to God alone.
Analogy of the dog and rag:
- Shake the rag and the dog clamps down on it.
- There is the attachment.
- Demons use our attachments to get us to do what they want us to do.
Ascending the levels of prayer and obtaining a greater degree of perfection will help you to overcome any defects. Overcoming defects – you get greater protection and also get the grace for it. Per Fr. Ripperger, that is something that is very important.
6. Pray to God Every Day
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Precision is everything in spiritual warfare. Fr. Ripperger provides guidance how to effectively pray deliverance prayers from his prayer book for the laity.
Laity have an obligation to pray to God at least 15 minutes a day.
If you are just simply faithful to grace, that fidelity to grace is one of the principle ways to protect you against demons. Humility is essential for a consistent prayer life.
Those who refuse to be humble cannot be saved. – St. Bede
Most people have the vice of lack of prayer. So when they start praying, it is painful, difficult, and dry. As they develop prayer as a habit, prayer becomes easier and even delightful. Per St. John Vianney, prayer is nothing more than union with God.
Prayer itself is a form of mortification. Prayer is hard, and it is difficult. Per Father Ripperger, prayer is a manly activity, and it helps explain why Christ did so much of it. Prayer is really important. Prayer mortifies the flesh and helps keep us protected. Without protection, families are susceptible to diabolical influences.
Diabolical Influences:
- Infestation – The presence of evil in a location, object, or animal.
- Oppression – External activity that affects a person’s life.
- Vexation – External activity that affects a person’s life (see note below).
- Obsession – Intense, persistent attack on a person’s interior life.
- Possession – An evil spirit takes control of a person’s body (rare).
Please Note: Per Fr. Vince Lampert, exorcist, vexation is something that one may bring upon themselves or that which is imposed by someone else. Oppression is a gift from God that the Lord permits on his saints as a form of spiritual purification.
7. Meditate on God’s Word
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the law of the LORD is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night. Psalms 1:1-2
With meditation, there is no vocalization. Meditation (mental prayer) is a lifting of the mind and heart to God. Meditation is very important. Meditation can literally break diabolic obsession. Demons utilize your imagination to create a diabolic obsession.
With meditation, you are using your imagination to pray which is hard at the beginning. As you meditate, what happens is you are filling your mind with God or the things of God such as a scripture verse. What does that mean about a demon?
He is not going to want to get involved with your imagination. If he is, he is going to want to get out. Demons do not want to deal face to face with the things that are holy.
Meditate regularly every day, fifteen minutes a day. Meditation is one of the principal ways you can protect you and your family from diabolical influences.
“A consistent life of meditation is very effective in driving out the demonic and avoiding demonic oppression.” Source: Auxilium Christianorum (Requirement #3)
8. Daily Devotions in Prayer
Train yourself for devotion. 1 Timothy 4:7b

Devotions to different saints are very important. If you have a particular defect, start working on the virtue opposite of that. Ask the saint who mastered that virtue.
Chastity – devotion to St. Mary Magdalene, St. Maria Goretti, all the virgin saints, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Teresa of Avila. They developed those virtues. They will actually protect you too in relationship to the demons who combat against you.
Fr. Ripperger recommends a devotion to St. Padre Pio for spiritual protection. Fr. said that in 70% of his sessions, St. Padre Pio will show up and successfully combat the demon in the spiritual arena, and St. Padre Pio is quick to do it.
Fr. said he asked a demon during a session why they hate St. Padre Pio so much, and the demon admitted to Fr. that St. Padre Pio loved Our Lady, and Our Lady loved him.
9. Follow the Roman Catholic Faith
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16
There are innumerable ways one can live out the Roman Catholic faith in accordance with one’s calling in life. Incorporating any of these in your life and in the lives of your family should help everyone to stay protected from diabolical influences.
- Renewal of Baptismal Promises
- Daily Scripture Readings
- Sunday Mass Obligation
- Traditional Latin Mass
- Daily Mass
- Sacraments
- Sacramentals
- Holy Rosary
- Rosary Confraternity
- The Angelus
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Divine Mercy Chaplet
- Benediction
- Parish Ministry
- Parish Programs
- Penance
- Stations of the Cross
- Liturgy of the Hours
- Litanies and Novenas
- New Evangelization
- Lectio Divina
- Opus Dei
- Apostolates
- Auxilium Christianorum
- Religious Orders
- Spiritual Retreats
- Advent
- Lent
- Tithe
- Ember Days
- Vigils
- First Fridays
- Five First Saturdays
- Solemn Vespers
- Grace before Meals
- Grace after Meals
- Chastity
- Modesty
- Catechesis of Children
- Corporeal Works of Mercy
- Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Daily Study of Sacred Scripture
- Study and Imitation of the Saints
- Veneration of the Angels and Saints
10. Sacraments of the Church
Then He took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” Luke 22:19

Demons can’t stand it because the Eucharist is God. The Eucharist also strengthens us and gives us an increase in grace. The Eucharist helps to fortify us, and it gives us more protection. Per Father Ripperger, you want to be living a normal sacramental life. Getting to Mass regularly – Daily Mass is very important for spiritual protection.
A prayer devotion to the precious blood of Christ will help to provide your family spiritual protection and a greater love for God. The Litany of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is prayed by members of Auxilium Christianorum every day.
If you are committing venial sins, you want to get to confession at least once a month.
The Church does teach that holy communion can wipe away venial sin, but per Father Ripperger, you don’t know the degree of devoutness you have after having received communion. You don’t have certitude, so that is why you have to keep confessing.
Two important aspects of confession –
- Confession restores you to grace if you have committed mortal sin, the grace from God being your primary protection.
- Confession gives you the sacramental graces you need to stay out of sin.
The Sacrament of Confession gives you the grace to avoid both mortal and venial sins in the future. If you are committing mortal sin, go to confession regularly to break it
Confession is the Sacrament of Humility
Humility – the definition of humility is the willingness to lead a life in accordance with the truth by not judging yourself greater than you are.
When you go to confession, you have to own up to your failings. Confessing our sins and failures to someone else humbles us.
Living a life of humility is one of the most powerful things you can do to protect yourself. The more humble you are, the less the demons can influence you. Per Father Ripperger, a demon admitted in an exorcism that Our Lady’s power is in her humility.
The more humble you are, the more spiritually powerful you become.
Benefits of Living a Life of Humility
- Humility is a strength.
- Humility is a virtue.
- Humility gives you self-possession and self-control.
- Humility gives you clarity of mind.
- Humility gives you a control over yourself that nothing else can do, and that’s why the demons will avoid seeking out the humble. Demons recognize they are more likely to be defeated by someone who is humble.
- God is more likely to protect someone who is humble.
- If you are really proud and arrogant, God will scourge you every now and then to get you humbled to bring you down (1 Peter 5:5).
This is why humility is so important. Confession is the sacrament of humility. There is a direct correlation with your humility and where you are at in your spiritual life.
Per Father Ripperger, in some instances, regular confession is more important and powerful in liberating somebody than an actual solemn exorcism.
Restoring Grace
Sometimes, people will have an extraordinary diabolical influence, but it is on a very low level. They will go to confession and confess the sin. That removes the sin. St. Ignatius says once the sin that the demons use to have influence over you is aired out, they lose their power over that. Once you are restored to grace, you are protected.
Getting absolution breaks their control over you to some degree. In some cases, confession can break extraordinary diabolic influence, if it is on a low level.
11. Sacramentals of the Church
So extraordinary were the mighty deeds God accomplished at the hands of Paul that when face cloths or aprons that touched his skin were applied to the sick, their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them. Acts 19:11-12

Sacramentals are extremely important for spiritual protection. Having some basic knowledge of the sacramentals will be very beneficial for the family.
CCC 1670 Sacramentals do not confer the grace of the Holy Spirit in the way that the sacraments do, but by the Church’s prayer, they prepare us to receive grace and dispose us to cooperate with it. Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church
Miraculous Medal – has a great impact in providing protection and help.
St. Benedict medal – get it blessed in the Old Rite. The Old Rite has two exorcisms over the medal itself. Exorcists ask you to take four St. Benedict medals, after a house has been blessed by a priest, and place the four St. Benedict medals on the four corners of the property. It sets up a block, and the demons are less likely to come in or near your house. You can also put one in your pillow or on your nightstand.
Scapular – (e.g. Carmelite brown scapular) very important in spiritual warfare.
Rosary – One of the greatest and most powerful weapons in spiritual warfare. St. Padre Pio called his rosary “the weapon.” Fr. Ripperger said that people who pray the rosary daily are less likely to get taken down by the demons.
Exorcised candle – Keeping an exorcised candle safely lit while you sleep can help clear up any diabolical attacks experienced in your dreams while sleeping.
Exorcised oil olive oil – you can use it in your cooking. Exorcised salt can be used in cooking and can provide you a certain degree of protection. You can take the exorcised oil and put in on the foreheads of your children to bless them.
Exorcised salt – Exorcised salt can provide you a certain degree of protection. You can put the exorcised salt on your food and eat with your meals.
Holy Water
In an earthen vessel he shall take holy water, as well as some dust from the floor of the tabernacle and put it in the water. Numbers 5:17
Holy Water – new rite holy water has a very simple blessing. The problem is it is not as efficacious as the old one. Pope Benedict made clear the old rite books were never suppressed, so any priest can bless in the old rite. In the old rite, you exorcise the salt, then the water. You put them together and then there is a blessing given to them.
If you can get a hold of epiphany water made in the old rite, it is triple exorcised. Water blessed at the Easter Vigil is also very effective. Water blessed in honor of different saints can be very effective. Holy Water is very helpful. One of the ways you can help yourself is bless your house with holy water on a somewhat frequent basis.
Per Fr., once a week or so, bless your house, and have the priest bless your house once per year as a general rule. Holy water is very important for spiritual protection.
5 Forms of Holy Water
“Someone might ask: ‘Why would a holy man desire baptism?’ Listen to the answer: Christ is baptized, not to be made holy by the water, but to make the water holy, and by his cleansing to purify the waters which he touched.” – St. Maximus of Turin

#1 New rite holy water – Holy Water blessed in the new rite. It is holy water, but it is not as efficacious as holy water blessed in the old rite.
#2 Old rite holy water – Holy water blessed in the old rite. In the old rite, the salt and the water are exorcised. They are put together and then there is a blessing given to them. Old rite holy water is more efficacious than water blessed in the new rite.
#3 Epiphany water – Holy water that has been blessed with the old rite of exorcism, but there is also a chant during the ritual, and the ritual takes longer to complete.
#4 Lustral water – Lustral water is very efficacious. It is the holy water made at the Easter Vigil. It has been blessed, but it hasn’t been made into baptismal water.
#5 Gregorian water – Water that can only be blessed by a bishop. It is used to consecrate altars. It is hard to obtain, but it might be the most efficacious of all.
Examples of Sacramentals of the Church
- Advent Wreaths
- Bibles
- Blessings
- Blessed Chalk
- Blessed Salt
- Blessed Oil
- Candles
- Chaplets
- Cords and Cinctures
- Crosses and Crucifixes
- Devotions
- Holy Oils
- Holy Water
- Icons
- Incense
- Litanies
- Liturgical Gestures
- Medals
- Nativity Sets
- Palms and Ashes
- Prayer Books
- Processions
- Relics
- Rosaries
- Sacred Images
- Sacred Places
- Sacred Times
- Scapulars
- Sign of the Cross
- Statues
12. Roman Catholic Education
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20a

Fr. Ripperger said educating yourself and teaching yourself the doctrines of the Church – you are less likely to fall into error and become subject to the demons.
- The New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism
- My Catholic Faith – A Catechism in Pictures
- The Catechism of the Council of Trent
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Douhay-Rheims Bible
- The Didache Bible
- Ignatius New Testament Catholic Study Bible
- Little Rock Catholic Study Bible
- The Navarre Bible
“Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ.” – St. Jerome
- New Testament study – Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture
- Old Testament study – A Catholic Introduction to the Bible – Old Testament by Dr. John Bergsma and Dr. Brant Pitre
- Apologetics – Unabridged Christianity by Fr. Mario Romero
- General Use – Catholic Bible Dictionary by Dr. Scott Hahn
- Sensus Fidelium
- Fr. Mark Goring
- Virgin Most Powerful Radio
- Catholic Productions
- Saint Paul Center
- Catholic Answers
- St. Michael Center
Spiritual Warfare
- The Liber Christo Method – A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat – Dr. Dan Schneider, Phd.
- A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare – Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S.
- Spiritual Warfare – Fighting the Good Fight – Fr. Vivian Boland, OP
- A Young Catholic’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare – Fr. William Peckman
- Dominion – Fr. Chad Ripperger
- Lord, Prepare My Hands for Battle – Jesse Romero, M.A.
- St. Michael Manual for Spiritual Warfare – Bart Tesoriero
- Manual for Spiritual Warfare – Dr. Paul Thigpen
- My Battle Against Satan – Fr. Gabrielle Amorth with Elisabetta Fezzi
- Diary of an American Exorcist – Msgr. Stephen Rossetti
- Slaying Dragons – What Exorcists See and What We Should Know – Charles D. Fraune
- Slaying Dragons II – The Rise of the Occult – What Exorcists & Former Occultists Want You to Know – Charles D. Fraune
- Exorcism – The Battle Against Satan and His Demons – Fr. Vincent Lampert
13. Our Lady of Sorrows Devotion
And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” Luke 2:34-35

As a remedy for Spiritual Protection – Pray devoutly to Our Lady of Sorrows.
Pray for her to reveal two things to you:
- Whether there is some kind of diabolic influence in relation to some particular thing you are dealing with.
- Reveal to you what your primary defect is.
Per Father Ripperger, a lot of times people find out things they never realized about themselves. In most instances, your primary defect is not what you think it is!
Why Our Lady of Sorrows?
Our Lady and St. Joseph took Jesus to St. Simeon. He said, “Your soul will be pierced so the thoughts of many may be laid bare.” (Lk 2:35) It is precisely through her suffering she merited the ability in the eyes of God. She merited the capacity because God gave it to her to reveal hidden things in relation to other people or other things.
Pray to Our Lady of Sorrows to reveal to you what your primary defect is. Let her reveal to you if somethings is diabolic. Reveal your defects and work on your defects so the demons can’t make use of them. This is one of the principle ways you are going to become protected, by not allowing yourself to form any bad habits.
Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows
- She revealed she would protect you and your family from diabolic influence.
- God wants to draw attention to her various perfections under different titles.
- If we honor Our Lady, she will protect our family.
14. Family Blessings for Protection
When Israel saw Joseph’s sons, he asked, “Who are these?” “They are my sons,” Joseph answered his father, “whom God has given me here.” “Bring them to me,” said his father, “that I may bless them.” Genesis 48:8-9

Blessing Your Children
- Blessing your children is one the principal ways to protect your children.
- If you are parent, you can tell them something as simple as “God bless you,” and make the sign of the cross on their forehead, or use the exorcised oil for that.
- Bless your house weekly.
- Get a priest to bless your house annually.
Failings of Fathers
- Fathers will protect their family physically and financially, but they may fail to pray regularly to keep demons from influencing their wife and children.
Authority of Fathers
- Authority – is to provide and protect.
- Fathers provide the grace by praying for his wife and children.
- Fathers also have to protect them to make sure demons don’t get into the house.
Generational Spirits
- Fr. Ripperger says the demons will tempt somebody that has some kind of authority or influence to commit a sin.
- Then the demon gets into that particular family or business.
- The father will commit some grave sin within the home. It gets the demon into the home. It starts working on not just him but everyone around him.
- It starts effecting everybody in the family.
- Fr. Ripperger says 99% of families have a generational spirit.
The Father’s Protection
- He has to protect.
- He doesn’t commit sin.
- He works on virtue.
- He works on providing the graces necessary to keep the family protected.
The same principle applies to the mother, to a slightly lesser degree, but it does apply to relationship with her children.
St. Joseph Strong – A Call to Greatness
Christian fathers are called to imitate the example of fatherhood by studying St. Joseph’s humble, self-emptying love in the Gospels. I learned from a lecture, Pure Fatherhood, by Devin Schadt, on, the sobering statistics about Christian fatherhood. Mr. Schadt said these are huge stats, and we should all be aware of them.
- If the father is the first to become a Christian in the family, there is a 93% chance the children will follow.
- If the father does not go to church, there is a 1 out of 50 probability that the children will even enter a church when they grow up.
Blessing the Family
Fathers have been given spiritual authority by God to bless their children and deliver them from demons and evil influences. This incredible power of prayer, given to the father by God, also applies to the mother, but it especially applies to the father through the natural law and divine positive law.
- Fathers can bless their wife and children.
- Mothers can bless their children, but they can’t bless her husband because she doesn’t have any authority over him.
- Fathers can command the blessing as long as they are properly disposed.
- Deprecatory blessings – Deprecatory prayers ask God to bless family members.
Fathers and mothers should bless their children with holy water every day.
Children, listen to me, your father; act accordingly, that you may be safe. For the Lord sets a father in honor over his children and confirms a mother’s authority over her sons. Sirach 3:1-2
15. Have Balance in Your Life
Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of the opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16

You must have balance in your life. You have to have a real balance in your life.
Example – Praying the Angelus prayer devotion with the Church faithful at the traditional times of 6:00 am, noon, and 6:00 pm will help to create balance and order in your life.
Don’t get to fixated on your sins and problems, or the demons will use that. They will get you to obsess about it, and they will drag you down with it.
Diabolical Principles
Anything but God
Demons have a principle: anything but God. Even if it is a truth they will get you to fixate on that to an exaggerated degree. Extreme degree is where it starts detracting with your relationship to God. They use this with scrupulous people to take them down spiritually as a distraction from their relationship with God. You have to get your mind off of it. You must have balance in your life. It is extremely important
Anything but Moderation
Demons have another principle – anything but moderation. They will make you go from one extreme to another. They don’t care what that extreme is as long as it is not moderated. Demons are legalists. They know once a sin has been forgiven by God it no longer has any legal standing in your spiritual life except for any restitution you might have to make. They are not as interested in restitution so much as they are what God has against you, and they will use that. The virtue lies in moderation. The exception is chastity for someone who is single.
Avoid the Extremes
How do you protect yourself – avoid the extremes. Demons are looking for the extremes. With religion, people will do things they are not spiritually prepared for. An example, a 5′ 8″ 300 lb guy wants to run a marathon. He convinces himself he can run the marathon. He runs one block, and he can’t do it because he’s not physically in shape for it. Spiritual exercises are the same way. They take time and effort to develop.
Our faculties have to be disposed to the constant praying. You cant just immediately do it. Fr. Ripperger goes on to say one can’t just immediately become perfect. If you do, it is a sin called simulation. You have to have a sense of where you are at. If you go overboard, you will get spiritual burnout.
Once you burnout, it is even harder to get your spiritual life moving again. You have to moderate it, but keep working towards perfection. You have to strive to get to where you can pray always, but you’re not going to be able to do that immediately. With prayer, know what amount you can handle. Start with that, and work your way up.
16. Make Sacrifices to God
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have; God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind. Hebrews 13:16

In relationship to God, we have two obligations:
- Prayer – St. Augustine says if you don’t pray, you won’t be saved. Fr. Ripperger says if you don’t pray, you are not going to be protected either.
- Sacrifice – You have to offer sacrifices to God.
When people would go through suffering in the past, they would say, “Offer it up.”
Sacrifice has 3 Parts
- The offeratory
- The slaying of the victim
- The consuming of it
When you “offer it up” to God (example: daily works, financial donations, charitable deeds or sufferings), you are making an act of sacrifice. That sacrifice – when you are in the habit of it – will go a long way in providing you protection.
17. Frequent Mortification for God
I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1

Demons cant stand the body that fasts.
They can’t stand it.
In fasting, we have to deny the appetites of the flesh.
Because demons have access to our bodies, they want us to follow our emotions, follow what is in our imagination, and follow whatever they want us to incline towards. That means we are obeying our body. That’s what demons want us to do. From there, they can control us, and get us to do what they want us to do.
Mortification subdues the body and brings it into subjection. As a result, demons don’t want to get involved with someone like that. So if they suggest something disordered, and you are in the habit of keeping your appetites under control, you will be much more sensitive to that and much more likely to keep the demons away.
Temptations from the Flesh
There are three (3) different types of temptations we have to endure.
- The world
- The flesh
- The devil
Those are the three sources of temptations. But Fr. Ripperger says every temptation pivots on the flesh. The devil can only influence the flesh. The world can only influence the flesh. You have to get that under control.
Even the highest things in this life can be forms of temptation if you are not careful. If you don’t have your appetites subjected. We have to keep those things under control. Mortification will subdue the body and keep you from having these problems.
Mortification of Prayer
Prayer itself is a form of mortification. Prayer is hard. Prayer is arduous. Prayer is difficult. Prayer is manly activity. This helps explain why Christ, the Son of Man, did so much of it (Lk 11:1). This is really important. Prayer mortifies the flesh.
Celibacy is the same way. You have to have self-control and self-discipline in your interior life. Celibacy mortifies the flesh. Mortification requires you to tell your flesh, “No.”
- I am not going to go eat.
- I am not going to watch TV.
- I am going to do this (pray, fasting, good deed) instead.
If you don’t have this virtue yet, the demons will use this to get you to “go eat that chocolate,” and that type of thing. You have to mortify yourself in relationship to all of this.
18. Forgiveness is Essential
When you stand to pray, forgive anyone against whom you have a grievance, so that your heavenly Father may in turn forgive you your transgressions.” Mark 11:25

Demons will tempt you normally – they will get you to do something you are not supposed to do, or not do something you are supposed to do (sin of omission).
That’s where they start. Then they will get you to obsess about it and try to drag you down. Scrupulous people tend to obsess about it. Whether you commit a sin or not is not as important as how you are relating to God.
The demons want the person who has sinned to obsess about it, to focus on their sin, focus on themselves, so it is ultimately rooted in pride.
Forgiveness To Do List
- Forgive yourself.
- Forgive others.
- Pray for God’s forgiveness.
- Pray The Act of Contrition daily.
- Frequent the Sacrament of Confession.
19. Cultivate the Virtue of Humility
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 14:11

Humility is one of the two virtues that will provide you the greatest amount of protection. Charity is the other virtue. Some of this below may seem redundant, but for the sake of protecting a family, it is worth mentioning again here.
The Sacrament of Humility
Humility is a willingness to lead a life in accordance with the truth by not judging yourself greater than you are.
Humility is one of the most powerful things to protect yourself. The more humble you are, the less the demons can influence you.
A demon said in an exorcism about Our Lady that her power is in her humility.
The more humble you are, the more spiritually powerful you become.
- Humility is a strength.
- Humility is a virtue.
- Humility gives you self-possession.
- Humility gives you self-control.
- Humility gives you clarity of mind.
Humility gives you a control over yourself that none of these other things do, and that’s why the demons will avoid the humble. They recognize they are more likely to be defeated. You can pray for humility or pray the Litany of Humility.
God is more likely to protect someone who is humble.
If you are really proud and arrogant, God will scourge you every now and then to get you humbled to bring you down (Prv 29:23). This is why humility is so important. It is the sacrament of humility. Humility will help you not to get proud, or be puffed up.
With pride, demons can make use of it. Demons can influence your judgment by playing on your pride. It is worth mentioning again that when you go to confession, you have to own up to your failings. Confessing our sins is a good way to humble us.
A Powerful Prayer for Humility
“Oh heart most pure of the Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain for me from Jesus a pure and humble heart.”
20. Increase in the Virtue of Charity
Your every act should be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
With charity, you love God. Your heart is completely devoted to God
Charity – a love of God and love of neighbor for the sake of God.
If you are living a life of charity, you are loving your neighbor for God’s sake. If you do that, and you work on charity and keep doing it, the demons will avoid you. They will avoid you because they know your attachment is to God. They know if they try to tempt you to something else, you are likely to have a revulsion against it.
Charity is one of the principal things to develop. Loving God. Just tell Him,
“God, I love you.”
Do that regularly throughout the course of the day. Tell the Lord you love Him.
As a matter of justice, you have an obligation to God to pray at least 15 minutes a day. During those prayers, you should be making frequent acts of love to God. We can pray for each other when we pray, and extend charity to each other in that way.
The charitable act of almsgiving is important for spiritual protection from evil.
Store up almsgiving in your treasury, and it will save you from every evil. Better than a mighty shield and a sturdy spear it will fight for you against the enemy. Sirach 29:12-13
Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving helps provide spiritual protection for the family.
St. Raphael the Archangel: “Prayer with fasting is good. Almsgiving with righteousness is better than wealth with wickedness. It is better to give alms than to store up gold, for almsgiving saves from death, and purges all sin. Those who give alms will enjoy a full life,” Tobit 12:8-9
Most everything above I learned from exorcist and spiritual warfare expert Fr. Chad Ripperger. May God bless Fr. and his ministry. Please see related links below:
Father Ripperger’s website:
Liber Christo Method (Catholic Liberation Practices): Liber Christo
I hope you have enjoyed this post! If you like it, please consider sharing with someone who would benefit from it. Diabolical influences are proliferating our culture and infiltrating the Church. The solution for clergy, laity, individuals and families is a faithful relationship with Jesus. Jesus Christ is LORD +
So submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
These weren’t specifically mentioned by Father, but I thought I would add a few more below that have been helpful for me on my own spiritual journey over the years.
- Tithe – spiritual blessing (Malachi 3:10)
- Sobriety – spiritual vigilance (1 Peter 5:8)
- Exercise – spiritual health (3 John 1:2)
- Wisdom – spiritual intelligence (Proverbs 18:15)
More on Spiritual Warfare
St. Padre Pio’s 3 Simple Weapons for Spiritual Warfare
7 Powerful Sacramentals of the Church for Spiritual Warfare
13 Amazing Things to Know About St. Michael the Archangel